Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas in TN- Day 3 part 2

This is the story of Mary, Jesus, and the Drummer Boy. The church my parents go to had their Christmas play and program last night. I was Mary, Crocker was baby Jesus, and Max was supposed to be a drummer boy. He flat out refused to wear his costume, even with bribes of gum and sprite. He tried it on at home, but that did not last long.

We got to church and Max got his drum.

Then, Crocker and I had to head to the front of the church. Max is NEVER jealous of Crocker, but last night he decided he was. He pitched a fit and ran to the front of the church to me. He would not walk up and play his drum. He sat in my lap with Crocker for most of the program. In the middle of it, he decided he wanted Granny Kaye and fell down the steps at the front of the church trying to go and get her. Then, he decided to do a front flip before he walked the rest of the way. He was a mess.

Here are some of our friends at the program.


Max said...

Sounds like an exciting Christmas program. Wish I could have been there. :-) Gma

Max said...

Sounds like an exciting Christmas program. Wish I could have been there. :-) Gma

Hoesli House

My photo
I am very happily married to my wonderful husband Sheldon. I love my job as a stay at home mom to my 3 boys, Max, Crocker, and Eli. I love: Jesus. a clean house. sewing. a home cooked meal. diet dr. pepper. girls nights. a good pedicure. chick-fil-a. target.

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