The boys were invited to a swimming party over the weekend. Sheldon had to be gone, so I got a babysitter for Eli. I just didn't think he would be content to watch the swimming with out trying to jump in.
The party was shark themed and they had a bunch of blow up toys in the water for the kids to play with. The boys had such a good time and Eli had fun playing with the sitter. It was a win-win all around!
Last Saturday, I had to be gone all day. Sheldon had all 3 boys at home and did great taking them to all of their activities. I try to make it easier on him and write him out a list of when Eli naps, eats, when the boys need to be at their activities, etc.
Crocker loves to take pictures and most of the time they are doozies.
Last week, the power went out early one morning. I loaded up the boys and we headed to the city. Luckily, the power came back on after a few hours.
The big boys picked out some sunglasses and were thrilled.
We bought Eli a couple of snack cups, but mostly Crocker just hands Eli the snack. I think it is probably more like Crocker eats 2 or 3 and Eli might get one.
Max was out of school a couple of days this week and our upstairs looked like a train wreck most of the time. The boys have a lot of toys downstairs, but they all like to play and congregate wherever I am.
Sheldon's birthday was this past week and the big boys wanted to have a party. They colored a pendant banner and we had a fun camo party.
Eli woke up Thursday morning with pinkeye and I about died. I hate hate pinkeye and it was not fun to have to wrestle him down to give him eye drops. Thankfully, he is looking much better!
Max had an at home day today. He has been congested and today he was just worn out, so I let him skip school. We have been super busy with soccer, gymnastics, church, and the weather is super crazy, so I think just the combo of everything caught up with him.
He just laid around most of the day watching tv, playing games, and he took a 4 hour nap.
Of course Crocker couldn't be left out and without attention, so he pretended he was sick most of the morning. He felt better quickly when he found out Daddy was going to town and he could go.
I wanted to include this series of pictures, so you can see real life around our house. No one is safe when Eli is awake.
Oh and Crocker isn't screaming, he is fake coughing for a picture. :)
We have been pretty busy the past week. Over the weekend, we finally started painting the house and Sheldon tilled up the yard and planted grass seed. We also threw in a date night, a soccer game, and fun with friends into the mix.
The weather has been so crazy here, so we have been taking advantage of the time we can spend outside. Max made a "swing".
We have lived in our house for 2 years and we finally painted our bedroom. We are in the process of gathering colors and samples for the rest of the house.
Eli continues his love affair with the vacuum and drags it out of the laundry room whenever he gets the chance.
Sheldon and I got a sitter for a few hours on Saturday. We had the best time going furniture shopping and out to eat.
School was out here on Monday, so we went with some friends to see a new dinosaur exhibit. It was in an airplane museum, so the boys were in heaven looking at all the planes.
Crocker was scared to death looking at the dinosaurs. They all moved, roared, and looked lifelike.
Max and Crocker had their 1st game of the season this past Saturday. Max has played soccer for the past couple of seasons, so he knew what to do and what to expect. This is Crocker's 1st time playing and he is just in it for the drink and after game snack.
They are on the same team, so that makes things easier on Sheldon and I. The games are right beside our house, so it was fun to walk over.
Sheldon was in charge of taking pictures and he got some good ones. Max did a really good job staying with the ball and getting a kick in when he could.
Eli stayed in his stroller for the majority of the game and then we let him get out. He really liked walking around and checking things out.
For his age, I think Crocker did a good job at the game. He ran after the ball and even kicked it a time or two. He is the littlest one out there playing, so he did end up on the ground a couple of times.
We had 5 more games in the season and the boys are ready to play again!
Over Easter weekend, my mom and aunt came to visit.
We were all super excited for them to come and we had the best time.
We had an early birthday party for Sheldon while they were here. The boys love any excuse to have a cake.
We also went to the bounce house. The big boys were going at full speed while we were there, so I didn't get any pictures of them. Eli was moving at a slower pace, so he was prime photo material.
We also went to see The Croods. It was super cute and the big boys loved it!
We are always so happy to get the chance to visit with family and can't wait to see everyone again!
I am very happily married to my wonderful husband Sheldon. I love my job as a stay at home mom to my 3 boys, Max, Crocker, and Eli.
I love:
a clean house.
a home cooked meal.
diet dr. pepper.
girls nights.
a good pedicure.