Monday, August 8, 2011

Handy Man

I am so blessed to be married to someone who can make things. Most of the time, I can show him a picture of a piece of furniture that I like and he can make it for 75% less than it costs.

I mentioned to him that I would like something to hang my jewelry on and he made a necklace and earring holder.

We have been wanting chairs for our back deck and he made these 2 in just a few hours!

We recently got a new mattress and he has been hard at work making the frame and headboard. I cannot wait until it is all finished and can show pictures!


other gpa said...

If the girls don't find you handsome they should find you handy.. "red green"

Gma said...

I am so impressed!!! Gma

Megan P said...

All looks great! Steve built a bed for Jada a few months ago, and we got our plans on Sheldon might like the site! Or you might find more for him to do! Haha!

Hoesli House

My photo
I am very happily married to my wonderful husband Sheldon. I love my job as a stay at home mom to my 3 boys, Max, Crocker, and Eli. I love: Jesus. a clean house. sewing. a home cooked meal. diet dr. pepper. girls nights. a good pedicure. chick-fil-a. target.

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