Monday, February 25, 2013

Blizzard 2013

We have been in the midst of a blizzard.

It started snowing late last night and has continued all day long. It is supposed to continue into the night. So, far we have about 14 inches of snow with 3-4 foot snow drifts in places in our yard.

 This is off our front porch around 10 this morning.

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This picture was taken around 3-4 this afternoon.

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This is out of our bank door and it was taken around 3-4 this afternoon. The yellow piece sticking up by the play place is a cozy coupe car.

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This was taken around 6 tonight. Sheldon opened the garage door and this is what greeted us.

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Anyway, we have been snowed in all day and have had such a good time. We did crafts this morning. The boys colored, we made homemade play dough, and used vinegar/baking soda to make "volcanoes".

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The boys love love the movie Home Alone and they made "booby traps" for Sheldon and I to talk through.

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You can see that Sheldon "fell" and the boys were eating it up!

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Poor Popcorn has not wanted to go outside today and Sheldon gladly took him out this afternoon.

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We let the boys go out and play after the snow died down. Max had a blast jumping off the porch into the snow.

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The boys topped off the night with cookies and hot chocolate.

 photo IMG_0490_zpsae0971cd.jpg  photo IMG_0491_zpsee614973.jpg Somehow I never got a picture of Eli today, but he had a good day too. :)

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Hoesli House

My photo
I am very happily married to my wonderful husband Sheldon. I love my job as a stay at home mom to my 3 boys, Max, Crocker, and Eli. I love: Jesus. a clean house. sewing. a home cooked meal. diet dr. pepper. girls nights. a good pedicure. chick-fil-a. target.

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